BAN donations are neither expected nor required, but they are highly appreciated!
You can scan the QR code with Kalium, or copy its address to your clipboard by clicking it!
You can scan the QR code with Kalium, or copy its address to your clipboard by clicking it!
Every banano holder has voting power equal to the amount of his funds. If the user does not participate in the consensus algorithm then he must delegate his voting power to someone else, a representative.
Representatives are Banano Nodes running on the network, and their total weight (delegated voting power) represents how much control they have over the Banano network. The goal is to spread out network control across Representatives.
Unlock your wallet.
Scroll down and select the Settings dropdown from the left sidebar, and click Representatives.
Under the Change your representatives section select All Accounts, or each individual account that you'd like to change the Representative for.
In the New Representative field paste the new representative address and check that it's correct.
Click Update Representatives.
Unlock your wallet.
Tap the Cog icon in the upper left corner of your screen, or swipe open the sidebar.
Scroll down and tap the Change representative option, and either scan or paste in the new representative address & check that it's correct.
Tap the Change button and you're done!